Tuesday, 20 December 2011

.:.peer co-mentor.:.

Have you ever thought of yourself as a peer co-mentor?

David and Jonathan had a friendship that was worth praying for and pursuing.
It was meaningful and mutually empowering. 

David and Jonathan:

1.They shared: “Jonathan became one in spirit with David” (1 Samuel 18:1)
-a heart to follow God and do His will (14:6, 17:45-47)
-Interests and skills of war (background)
-the same environment in the house and army of Saul

2. They committed: “we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the LORD” (20:42).
          -to God (Chapter 14)
          -to each other’s best: “Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself” (18:3); “Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do for you” (20:4)
          -to each other’s future and family (20:12-17, 42).

3. They experienced:
          -Protection by watching out for each other (Ch. 20)
          -Openness and trust – they could share anything (20:3)
          -Friendship and fellowship (20:42, and generally implied throughout their story)
          -Strength and encouragement in times of difficult: “Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God” (23:16)
          -Love that was committed to the other’s best, even if it meant personal sacrifice
                   “Don’t be afraid ….My father Saul will not lay a hand on you. You will be king … I will be second to you” (23:17)
          -Sharpening and challenge to follow God

Do you have a friendship like this? I bet each area could always use a bit of strengthening. I’d encourage you to spend a few moments thinking about what area you are doing well in and what area you’d like to focus your energies on. If you’re brave enough, tell your friend what you see them succeeding in. As good friends, it can be tempting to allow suspicion and distrust to form by focusing on your differences. Instead, focus on what you have in common: a common faith, dear and close friendships and a desire to grow into all that God has for you.

Do you realize you are a peer co-mentor?

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.:.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Walking it Well

Walking it well - I’m intrigued by the phrase. It’s a goal to be sure. There are ways in which we can be walking through and responding to difficult times unwell. Those methods are pretty obvious in hind sight, and may have some regrettable consequences. It would be nice to avoid them altogether.

What does walking it well look like? I can’t measure success in this like a true/false quiz; there’s no studying for it beforehand. How do I know if I’m doing it right? Can 40% of my grade come from motive and my desire to do well?

There’s no grade, Sarah. I’m gently reminded.

I believe walking difficult times well begins with a soft heart, which is so hard to develop and live with in a difficult space. Having a soft heart means you live in the reality of the pain more often. And who wants to do that?

In a difficult, painful season of life walking it well requires work and effort that we may feel too exhausted to offer at the time. It means watching our actions and words even more closely because our moral compass isn't pointing straight north with our emotions flying around as they do.

But we do not walk alone, which makes the goal of walking well an achievable option. We won't be perfect; we will trip and fall at times, but Jesus walks with us.

Emmanuel, God with us.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.:.