Tuesday, 1 October 2013

I pray for your holy messes

Author Ann Voskamp refers to life’s turbulent moments as “holy messes”. From argumentative siblings to sudden heartbreaking shock, each aspect of life that spills over from our expectations still has God present. This month, I’m praying for your holy mess moments.

I pray that God would remind you of His indwelling presence in each moment. I pray that the Spirit would empower you to turn to Him in the chaos, in the pain and in the frustration. May you find release from those feelings and be flooded with His eyes for your situation as you do so.

I pray too that you would be comforted by His presence. May you also be protected from turning on yourself in anger and harsh words in those times. I pray that you would be empowered to, as Lysa TerKeurst says, not to act out of control just because the situation is out of your control. May God fill you with His peace that surpasses all understanding, and all unanticipated situations.

I pray that in time, God will redeem the messes He calls you to walk. I pray that no matter how deep your holy mess is right now, that you would be able to be grateful for the good God has given you, and thankful for the dark moments too. May you find healing, health and wholeness in every aspect of your holy mess.

My friend Anne once said that sometimes people treat Jesus like a juice spill. We try to contain him, thinking ‘can’t go there’ or ‘not belonging’, worried about the sticky mess, and trying to wipe Him up. Life spills over, and it’s okay to let Jesus do so too.