Sunday, 1 June 2014

I pray for your limits

.:. for your limits that are being tested... by children (yours, or those in your classes!), circumstances and pressures beyond what your heart is currently able to hold... I pray for an increasing amount of endurance, patience and a spirit of long-suffering. I pray for peace that surpasses understanding, and joy that arises in spite of circumstance. I pray for a dose of humor to help you balance out your stress, and I pray that you would feel empowered in Christ's strength, realizing that what you face, be it children's tantrums or yet another health/financial concern, you do not face alone.

.:. for your limits that exist only in your mind... that prevent you from taking risks, trying new things, and stepping out in obedience to God's calling on your life. I pray that you would be given a fresh perspective, and a confidence to step out of your comfort zone, and into areas that challenge, and change, you. I pray that you would not allow the lies of the enemy, or your own fears, to limit you in areas where God wants to amaze you.
.:. for your limits that you need to enforce... with people and projects that are demanding much from you. I pray that you would attune yourself to what boundaries you need, and have the confidence to enforce them, with grace, tact and humility.
.:. for your limits that you are pushing, in a good way - from bellies stretching with growing children inside, to goals that you are achieving. I pray that you would find breakthroughs, take time to celebrate, and continue to push forward in what God is calling you to.

I pray that your limits would be balanced and God-honoring.