Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Bragging on our Creator

I took this picture on my phone during the lightning storm that struck our area a few nights ago.
"How amazing are your works, O Lord" (Ps. 92:5).
How easy this was for you, Lord.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.:.

This post is linked up to TimeWarp Wife's Titus 2sday Link up!


  1. Sarah, It is amazing that a cell phone can take such a lovely photo! Thanks for sharing...I found you on Time Warp Wife's Titus2sday. Love that quote in your header about continuing to learn ~ at 59, I am still a learner, too! Keep pressing into Jesus!! Come visit me at Deeprootsathome.com

  2. That is an amazing photo displaying the power, majesty and creative artistry of our amazing God! Great shot!
    Thanks for sharing-
