Sunday, 1 December 2013

I pray for your gaps

I'm praying for your gaps. Yes, this is an odd one, but it's the word God laid on my heart for you for this month. Every one of us has a variety of 'gaps' in our lives, that is, we all have spaces that we have stepped into to serve, to encourage, or to walk alongside.
You have been uniquely gifted, trained and resourced, and I pray that God would bless you as you implement them in those gaps you fill. I pray for those of you who have stepped into a gap to support a hurting friend. As you walk painful roads with them, may you be empowered to share peace and hope in ways that touch souls for eternity. I pray for those of you who have filled a gap to serve either in Kidzone, at the school your child{ren} attend{s}, or any number of the places that are constantly vying for your many resources. May God give you wisdom and creativity to share His light to those you serve with and those you're serving. May you be strengthened and energized to finish this year well.

And I pray for the gaps that you have that are unmet in your life right now. I pray that God would send the right people to fill them. I pray that you would know that you are not alone, and that you would be encouraged and blessed with needs met on every level.
I pray that as gaps fill for you, or by you, that relationships would be strengthened. Like a plethora of patches in a quilt, I pray God would weave together a whole, beautiful picture of your life, as your pattern interlocks with those of others, for His glory.

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