Saturday, 8 February 2014

Talk about Communion

I believe we are called to participate in a believer’s communion – and that means believers of all ages. We will not ever expect a child to partake of the elements, nor will we require that a child reach a predetermined age before they are allowed to participate. Rather, we support you as the parent(s) in explaining and determining whether your child is ready to take this step in their relationship with God.
Children will occasionally stay in the service to observe communion. The celebration of the Lord’s Supper is an essential aspect to a Christian’s walk, and so we want to facilitate the ability for children to observe and/or participate where appropriate. It is also important that children understand their place in the larger community of faith, and allowing them to stay in to observe helps foster a greater understanding of their role and contribution to the local church.
We would like to encourage you to talk to your children about communion, as part of an ongoing faith conversation, and it’s relevance to your child(ren)’s walk with God. Here are some tips on how to begin the conversation at home:
Start by reading 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 together. From there, ask some comprehension questions like, What was Jesus doing? Or What are we to remember? Then review all that communion helps us to remember:
  1. That we are sinners saved by grace.
  2. That Christ died on the cross for our sins because he loves us; that he rose on the third day and is going to return.
  3. That through his sacrifice, he made a way for and wants a personal relationship with us.
  4. That when we partake of the elements, we are to make sure we are not holding any offences with others.
  5. That the elements are not literally his body and blood, nor are the elements a mid-service snack.
Communion is a sacrament we do to remember, but it is also as an act of worship and obedience. Talk to your kids about preparing themselves for participating in communion through the following actions:
  1. We come with a humble and faithful attitude.
  2. We seek forgiveness for our sins.
  3. We reflect on what Christ did and how much he loves us.
  4. We receive with reverence and thanks.
Other key verses to refer to:
  • Luke 22:19-201
  • Corinthians 10:16,17
  • Matthew 26:26
Some things to consider when deciding if your child should participate:
  1. A child who can confidently profess a faith that claims Christ as his/her Savior is welcome to participate in communion. A child who can confidently say he or she is not a Christian should feel comfortable to allow the elements to pass by.
  2. If a child has shown no sign of thinking of themselves as a moral agent before God, it is appropriate to tell the child not to participate. This will differ between every child – we want to see kids understand who they are in relation to God, and be able to make their own decision about Christ. This can happen for some five year olds, and still some eleven year olds may not comprehend this until later.
  3. Children need to be able to profess a faith that includes beliefs that:
    1. God sent his one and only son,
    2. Jesus, to earth as a baby.
    3. Jesus grew up and taught people about God’s love.
    4. Jesus who had never sinned, died on the cross for our sin because he loves us.Jesus rose from the dead and will return.

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